Whether you need to find a way to play pain-free with osteoarthritis, manage a recurring injury thats keeping you from playing at the top of your game, or simply want to make your tennis game as low-impact and natural feeling as possible, OsteoTennis can work with you to get you playing your best, whilst minimizing the risk of injury.

The Osteopathic Principles


The body is a unit

The body works as a complete unit, so it is important to view injuries and stroke mechanics from a holistic perspective to understand the biomechanical stresses and strains exerted whilst playing tennis.



STRUCTURE governs function

In order for the body to function optimally, muscles, bones, joints and fluids need to be working together efficiently and effectively.  Using targeted strengthening and conditioning, we can optimize performance whilst reducing the risk of injury.


Forehand musculature

the body is self-healing

Using a combination of strengthening and conditioning exercises, and alterations of  stroke mechanics, you can develop a tennis game that minimizes stress on the body, allowing it to recover to a fuller extent between matches, and minimizing the threat of overuse injuries.